Adaptive and Shock Responsive Social Protection
The last decade has seen considerable innovation in shock-responsive and adaptive social protection. In projects funded by the FCDO, the World Bank, WFP and others, we have made an influential contribution to this agenda, broadening the conceptual boundaries of the debate and providing policymakers with practical, evidence-based guidance.
Our research has helped to build the global evidence base on how social protection systems can be better equipped to prepare for, mitigate against, and cope with covariate shocks to support the most vulnerable people. Through diagnostic analysis, technical assistance, evaluations, and multi-country synthesis studies, we are actively involved in helping governments to strengthen systems for adaptive and shock-responsive social protection, including through innovations in Forecast-based Financing (FbF) and Anticipatory Action strategies.
Our team
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Laura Phelps is a social protection expert with over 24 years of experience in fragile and conflict affected and low- and middle-income countries

Tim is a specialist in poverty analysis and social protection.

Léane Gaumond is a social protection expert with experience leading projects in fragile, conflict-affected, and low- and middle-income countries

Maheen is a social protection expert whose specialisms include case management systems, social care services, and qualitative research.

Meghan is an Assistant Consultant based in the Poverty and Social Protection Practice.

Shiv is an Assistant Consultant in the Poverty and Social Protection team, with experience in social protection in East Africa.