Video: Enhancing women’s economic empowerment in Mozambique

How MUVA helps disadvantaged women in urban Mozambique find work

MUVA is a pioneering programme, working with young, disadvantaged women living in urban areas in Mozambique, which is aiming to reduce the barriers limiting women’s access to secure, well-paid work. This five-year long programme is funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).

Since May 2016, MUVA has implemented different projects in areas of education and job placement, vocational training and life skills, among others, to help young women develop self-confidence and vision to pursue employment and new job opportunities.

The importance of engaging men in female economic empowerment

Women’s empowerment depends on challenging gender norms and power structures which shape both women’s andmen’s positions. Gender relations are part of the picture driving work-related inequalities, such as in income, types of work, and power/leadership at work. In addition, gender relations significantly impact division of labour inside households, which is particularly difficult to shift.

Raising women’s participation in economic activities transforms household dynamics, which can provoke negative responses. Engaging men in this process can help mitigate some of the risks associated with female economic empowerment (FEE). Discover how we can improve engagement of boys and men in FEE in the full article available on MUVA website.

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