How do land rights constrain economic development in low- and middle-income countries?
EDI is hosting a workshop to explore the findings from the programme’s institutional diagnostic country studies
April 2019
ProjectEconomic development and institutions (EDI): cutting-edge research to shape policy reform
Understanding what drives economic development is an essential step in supporting effective policy reform, with institutional change significantly impacting socio-economic growth of a country. Positive change is needed to ensure sustainable progress, however, there is currently little evidence how this can be achieved.
To help bridge the gap between theory and practice, we are working with a consortium of partners, including the Paris School of Economics, the University of Namur and Aide a la Decision Economique, on the Economic Development and Institutions (EDI) research program. We aim to deliver a diagnostics toolkit that can provide policymakers with practical, analytical knowledge to promote inclusive development, identify weak institutional areas, and inform appropriate change. The EDI programme is funded with UK aid from the UK Government.
This Friday, EDI is hosting a workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to present recent findings and lessons learnt from the programme’s institutional diagnostic country case studies. The event will bring together researchers and policymakers from Tanzania, Benin, and neighbouring countries to discuss implications of the research so far, as well as its application to other low- and middle-income countries that share similar characteristics with respect to institutional impediments to growth. Land rights, which have been identified as an important constraint to development, will be spotlighted in a focused session during the workshop.
A summary of key discussion points and findings will be published after the event.