Third-party monitoring of European Union funded projects in Pakistan
We are doing third-party monitoring of 34 ongoing projects across Pakistan. These are being implemented under the EU’s current multi-annual indicative programme.
Project team members
Sean O'Leary , Abdur Rauf Khan , Fayyaz Mohammad , Karin Seyfert , Estefanía Vélez Vasco , Madiha Ali , Qaisar Shakoor , Bilal Qureshi , Danish Khan , Muhammad Azeem Riaz , Zahra Sohail
DateJanuary 2024 - December 2028
Area of expertiseResearch and Evidence (R&E)
European Union
KeywordsPublic Sector Governance [PSG] , Inclusive education , Inclusive Social Protection , Data Innovation , Qualitative Data Collection
OfficesOPM Pakistan , OPM Europe
Project status
Under the European Union’s (EU’s) multi-annual indicative programme (MIP), various projects are being implemented in Pakistan.
We are monitoring following four (priority) thematic areas of MIP (2021–2027):
- Green inclusive growth;
- Human capital;
- Governance, including the rule of law and human rights; and
- Support measures in favour of civil society and cooperation facility (GSP+)
The project has started its implementation activities with the third-party monitoring of 22 EU-funded (ongoing) projects across Pakistan, and the first six-monthly report will be submitted to the EU in February 2025.
Overall, third-party monitoring (TPM) project objective (impact level) is 'Strengthening the European Union's support to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan', whereas the outcome level project objective is improving the quality and effectiveness of EU support through continuous third-party monitoring and analysis of EU-funded projects operational in Pakistan.
The project outputs include:
- maintaining and improving existing monitoring systems of EU;
- support to EU decision-making through analysis and knowledge sharing; and
- strengthening the capacity of offices of EU operations managers and implementing partners
The EU has carried out various projects as part of the MIP (2014–2020), which influenced the current MIP (2021-2027) design. The current MIP uses past successful social mobilisation and community-driven local development support to foster local private sector development and improve the business and investment climate. This is done by strengthening economic and social development on the Pakistan side of the border with Afghanistan and addressing the root causes of migration. The current MIP delivers support in EU priority areas and efforts are concentrated in the provinces and fragile territories adjacent to the western border with Afghanistan, namely the areas of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and the territory of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB).
Due to the country's vastness, limited financial and human resources, EU cannot fully monitor the project implementation of MIP 2021–2027. Therefore, we have to provide the EU with hard evidence on how interventions are progressing against objectives and targets, thus allowing EU and partners to identify implementation problems and improve implementation overall. It focuses on progress and first results, i.e. mainly on the effectiveness and efficiency aspects of an action. Monitoring relies on the systematic collection of data against specified indicators.
The TPM project aims to address following monitoring questions during the monitoring of each individual project of EU in Pakistan. Key qualitative and quantitative tools employed are on-ground process monitoring, expenditure analysis and spot checks/verifications.
- Are the activities relevant to the needs and rights of the direct and indirect beneficiaries and how do they feel about it?
- Whether the process of activity or intervention is in line with the project’s objectives?
- Is the design of activities in line with the project’s objective and agreed commitments?
- Are the activities implemented in a coherent manner (internal and external)?
- What modifications, changes and corrective measures in the processes are required to meet the objectives?
- Are activities being implemented on schedule, within budget and according to the agreed quality standards?
- What is the level of EU’s visibility in project activities?
Expected Impact
Our TPM project aims to improve current implementation of EU-supported projects in Pakistan.
Key deliverables will include:
- Key findings and suggestions for corrective actions by the EU-supported projects;
- Validate efficiency and effectiveness of selected project processes and components;
- Identify best practices and formulate lessons learnt;
- Verify compliance, highlight delayed activities, and report non-compliance;
- Propose corrective actions on agreed points; and
- Disseminate knowledge through workshops and webinars with EU and their implementing partners.