Reporting a concern/whistleblowing

How to report a concern about an incident that happened in the past, is happening now, or you believe will happen in the near future

We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in our business activities. All employees and all individuals acting for or on behalf of Oxford Policy Management anywhere in the world, are expected to conduct themselves professionally and within the law. However, all organisations face the risk of things going wrong from time to time, or of unknowingly harbouring illegal or unethical conduct. A culture of openness and accountability is essential in order to prevent such situations occurring and to address them when they do occur.

To support and encourage openness and transparency and to facilitate reporting of concerns, OPM has engaged Navex Global, an external organisation, to receive whistleblowing reports on behalf of OPM through its EthicsPoint portal. You can access this via

You can report a concern at any time, whether it is an incident that happened in the past, is happening now, or you believe will happen in the near future.

Concerns that may be raised include (but are not limited to) criminal activity (including financial fraud or mismanagement; bribery and corruption); a health and safety concern; damage to the environment; negligence; breach of our policies and procedures; conduct likely to damage our reputation; unauthorised disclosure of confidential information; the deliberate concealment or covering up of any wrongdoing; conflict of interest; human trafficking; slavery; terrorism funding, and safeguarding concerns.

When you report a concern you are encouraged to provide your contact details so that you can be updated on the status of your report and contacted in case any further information is necessary. Your information will be treated in confidence. You are able to remain completely anonymous if that is your preference but this may impede the investigation.

You can  report your concern by:

In relation to projects funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (formerly Department for International Development), you can also report all suspicions or allegations of corrupt practice to the Internal Audit Department’s Internal Audit Investigations Section via @email or on +44 1355 843747.

Whistleblowing policy

You can access the latest version of our Whistleblowing policy here.