Nature and environment
We scale impact and build socio-ecological resilience to climate change by being flexible and responsive to local contexts, applying our suite of expertise and innovative methods to Technical Assistance programming and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning to:
- Empower communities to scale up locally led solutions, lead conservation efforts, and diversify their livelihood options.
- Build the capacity of public sector institutions through policy and regulatory reform, political economy analysis, and institutional strengthening.
We have extensive experience of applying evidence-based approaches and data innovation to the biodiversity and natural environment context. We place iterative and adaptive learning and decision-making at the centre of our programming, employing these methods to support stakeholders to effectively identify sustainable interventions and to adapt to emergent situations.
Our team designs and delivers interventions that:
- Conserve and restore biodiversity and enhance governance of natural resources within and outside of protected areas;
- Advance livelihood development options focusing on local communities and indigenous peoples;
- Embed approaches to ensure effective Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and support just transitions;
- Apply integrated and cross-sector planning approaches that actively involve policy makers, businesses, local communities;
- Enhance access to and management of conservation and climate finance;
- Address socio-ecological challenges of climate change using nature-based-solutions;
- Build capacity and foster behaviours to achieve transformations in public sector governance and delivery; and
- Mainstream climate and biodiversity across policy frameworks.