Office of the Chief Economist
Our team of economists provide expertise across Oxford Policy Management’s programming and projects, including:
- Macroeconomics for country- and state-level economic forecasts and public financial management work;
- Growth Diagnostics and Thicker Diagnostics (including political economy and institutional features) that describe the constraints and dynamics that create the conditions for development in individual countries; and
- Framing economic work on individual projects and policies – helping think through factors that determine what works in particular settings.
Our experienced research management team within Office of the Chief Economist manage a number of large-scale research projects, promoting greater evidence use across the organisation. Our role ensures that across OPM, we:
- think carefully about the demand for research – about the knowledge and decision-making communities that will use evidence;
- have national researchers in positions of responsibility for better, more relevant research results and because of their credibility in these national communities;
- invest in the demand for relevant research and create early interest to shape research and anticipate research results;
- commission research that will usefully add to a wider body of knowledge – and present it as part of a synthesis of evidence.
Our team
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Stevan Lee has extensive in-country advisory experience, including a nine-year residency in African countries and in the Middle East.