Monitoring and evaluation for Millennium Challenge Account, Namibia
We reviewed the indicators and all statistical data collected through the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) for Namibia Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
Project team members
DateJuly 2010 - April 2014
Area of expertiseResearch and Evidence (R&E)
Millennium Challenge Account, Namibia
KeywordsData collection , Impact evaluation , Quantitative methods , Research uptake , Value for Money [VFM] , Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning [MEL] , Government Statistics , Quantitative impact evaluations [QIE] , Quasi-experimental , Randomised Control Trials [RCTs]
OfficeOPM South Africa
PartnerMillennium Challenge Account, Namibia
The project included all indicators part of the Programme Monitoring Framework and data collected through surveys conducted by MCA Namibia.
The review included both ex-ante and ex-post reviews of surveys, data collection plans, and a quality review of government data sources. We used an adapted version of the Data Quality Assessment Framework to conduct the reviews.
Our activities included government data quality reviews including surveys, poverty estimates, education, tourism, veterinary, examinations, agriculture, and employment. We also looked at MCA consultants’ data collection plans on supporting indigenous natural products enterprises, land registration, vocational training, education, and community agriculture, and conducted an additional training for a range of organisations in Namibia on procedures for improving statistical quality.